<< 2009-11-29 4:10 p.m. >>

the break has been pretty nice, well very nice i think. i'm lacking sleep but it's all okay, in two weeks i will be home for a month.

i actually got a good amount of homework done.

eric took me on a date :) we ate at BB's and then he took me to see New Moon, it was so much fun. that was probably the best day we've had in a while! plus, as soon as i walk into the theater i hear "OH MY GOD TIA" and Becca was there and it was amazing and i was just in shock!

thanksgiving--i ate waaaayyy too much everywhere, but oh well. it's thanksgiving. and yummy. i liked being around my brothers.

then becca's birthday was a lot of fun :) so glad i got to see becca and sue. even though i had to wake up at 6 this morning to come back to murray and work.

work is kind of nice when henry is student manager-he makes us all eat together because "we are a family, you know that" and it actually feels that way. everyone is so nice and easy to talk to. i just feel so welcome there.

i am sad that shardul and jerry are graduating this semester. it is very depressing :(

and that i won't be working with emily next semester :( :( :(

but it will be okay.

anyway. i have even more homework to do now... hooray. :)
